CARIF 2021

18 March, 2021

This March 24-26 CARIF 2021 Virtual will take place. It is the 5th Caribbean Infrastructure Forum and the largest gathering of the regional infrastructure market on the annual calendar. Ictual will be present and our Chief Technology Officer, Geraume Bor, will be speaking on the Digital Transformation Town Hall, discussing the question: “Has the pandemic finally tipped the scales towards investment in digital transformation?”


Other interesting topics that will be discussed:

Airports: Preparing for a return to strength post-COVID
How can the cruise sector arrive to a point of recovery?
Redefining industry mindsets for decarbonization
Hospitality and Tourism: Supporting the backbone of Caribbean economies
Will the new economies of renewables win out?
Sovereign risk revisited
Waste Management
Solution for water infrastructure to meet the impact of climate change

Join Geraume and over 50 speakers and bring your perspective to the critical issues impacting the future of infrastructure in the Caribbean by registering here.

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