Put your telecoms business at your customers’ fingertips in an instant
Current challenges in the telecoms industry require an integrated solution. Take your business forward with the Jiver CS2x mobile platform.
Do you recognize these challenges in your telecoms business?
Personal interactions with customers and accessibility are falling short, not only due to social distancing regulations. Customers simply aren’t coming to your brick-and-mortar stores anymore. But these customers still want to be guided and advised based on their budget and lifestyle. They want to be informed about which service best suits their needs.
The one-size-fits-all subscription service is no longer suited to this behavior and these needs. Customers are no longer interested in a range of predefined packages available at the regular points of sales.
"Surprised that your customer gets confused?"
The commerce department constantly works to create that magical one-size-fits-all subscription service, featuring a range of predefined packages. At the same time, the marketing department has to come up with multiple campaigns for all the services.
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Your business results may decline
The consequences for the telecoms business are evident:
- loss of customers, a growing churn;
- rising overhead, especially marketing costs;
- increasing budget for development;
- decreasing revenue.
Jiver CS2x converts these pains into gains for your business. Let your company grow with this smart and affordable customer self-care application.
Jiver CS2X, the professional solution for the telecoms industry
Jiver is a suite of applications that enables telecoms operators to get more revenue from their investments while boosting customer satisfaction. Jiver is the smart and affordable telecoms platform ready to be up-and-running and integrated into your existing infrastructure.
What solution does Jiver CS2X offer your business?
Jiver becomes your full-service virtual store to reconnect with your customers. Your customers have access to all your services and receive full information support.
Jiver allows customers to create their own plan. This is in addition to the option of choosing from a range of predefined plans that best suit their needs.
Jiver enables TopUp with multiple payment methods. The payment functionality that facilitates TopUp is modularized and integrates with a payment gateway or any regional loyalty program.
Jiver integrates Service Monetization for effective product campaigns, including many features and the self-care app for subscribers.
In the whitepaper “Pains and Gains of Customer Experience in Telecoms”, you can read more about the solutions Jiver CS2X offers your business.
Jiver CS2X is unique and efficient because it:
- smoothly integrates into even your most complex BSS and OSS infrastructure;
- can be up and running in approximately six weeks;
- is affordable and yet creates more business for you and more possibilities for your subscribers;
- makes the interaction between your infrastructure and your subscribers seamless, more accessible, user-friendly, and smart;
- is brandable and ready to market your products and services to your target market;
- has an extra focus on small- and medium-sized telecom operators.
This is how your business will benefit from Jiver CS2X
Increased customer satisfaction prevents them from switching to competing services. You will experience less churn and less revenue loss. Customers get loyal again.
With customers customizing their own plans, you can stop the constant and confusing redefining of packages. Your marketing budget can drop or be allocated more efficiently.
The IT department’s requests are easily implemented. Integration with your BSS and OSS is seamless. The development of new products and services becomes affordable again.
Frequent and less frequent actions become easier and time-to-market is minimized. You can switch your focus to monetization and other business-critical activities.
Download the Jiver CS2X whitepaper now.
“Pains and Gains of Customer Experience in Telecoms”
In this whitepaper, you will learn how Jiver CS2X is the solution to the current challenges that affect your business operations and results. Furthermore, you will find information about:
● Integration of Jiver in your business and existing infrastructure.
● Features and services.
● Benefits for you and your customers.
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These companies have benefitted from this solution:

Want to contact us directly?
Give us a call at (+5999) 747 2342 or send us an email for more information on the brandable Jiver CS2X platform or other monetization solutions. We offer solutions that will enable your telecoms business to address the pains of customer experience and turn them into gains—ultimately creating a unique selling point for your telecoms business.